Microsoft SwiftKey Keyboard for PC (Windows 10/11)

Microsoft SwiftKey Keyboard is a smart, customizable, and intelligent keyboard that learns your writing style, autocorrects your words with suggestions, and helps you type faster. Also, you can add emojis, GIFs, and stickers to your typing.

Usually, the traditional PC keyboard comes with a default setting; you can’t customize it. On the other hand, the AI-powered Microsoft SwiftKey redesigns your typing experience by including everything from adding emojis and GIFs to setting personalized themes.

You can’t imagine a spell checker, AI-powered next words predictions, colorful themes and multilingual typing in one keyboard for PC without using different software and tools. Microsoft SwiftKey Keyboard offers all sorts of modern typing features in one place.

How to Download Microsoft SwiftKey Keyboard for Windows 10/11

Because of these advantages and features, many users want to download Microsoft SwiftKey Keyboard for PC though it is built primarily for Android devices. However, this keyboard has no Windows version; you must use any Android emulator to download Microsoft SwiftKey Keyboard for Windows 10 64-bit system.

The Android emulator is a PC software that simulates and creates a virtual Android device on your Windows 10/11 computer. It will work and function like a real Android smartphone or tablet. This software lets you download and install any Android app on your PC.

If you are talking about Android emulators, BlueStacks will come first. It is one of the oldest and highest downloaded emulators for Windows PC. NoxPlayer and MEmu Play come to the second and third choices.

All these emulators come with the Play Store app. After signing up, you can download Microsoft SwiftKey Keyboard for PC Windows 10/11 laptop or desktop. Also, you can import and install APK files if you prefer downloading apps from third-party sources.

Here is the step-by-step guide to downloading Microsoft SwiftKey Keyboard for Windows 10 and 11 PC using the emulator.

Download Microsoft SwiftKey Keyboard for PC using BlueStacks

BlueStacks is one of the best Android emulators for Windows 11/10 PC. Using this emulator, you can download apps from Play Store, install APK files from third parties, and even install apps and games from its directory.

If your Windows PC has version 7 or above, 4GB of RAM, 5GB free hard drive, and up-to-date graphics drivers, you are ready to download and use the BlueStacks emulator. Here, I will break down all steps for beginners to download Microsoft SwiftKey Keyboard for Windows 10 64-bit PC. Read the steps below and follow them accordingly.

Step 1: Go to my BlueStack for PC article, read all details and click to download the latest version based on your Windows version.

Step 2: Open the EXE file and click the “Install now” button.

Step 3: The installer will download the full package and begin the installation.

Step 4: When the installation process is completed, BlueStacks will open automatically. Click the “Play Store” icon and log in using your Google email and password.

Step 5: Go to Play Store’s search bar and type “Microsoft SwiftKey Keyboard”, and click on the “Microsoft SwiftKey Keyboard” app developed by “SwiftKey”.

Step 6: Click on the “Install” button and wait to complete the installation process.

Download NoxPlayer or MEmu Play if BlueStacks emulator doesn’t work for you.

How to Use Microsoft SwiftKey Keyboard on Windows 10/11 PC

Step 1: Open Microsoft SwiftKey Keyboard.

Step 2: Click to “Enable SwiftKey” and slide “ON” Microsoft SwiftKey Keyboard under the “Manage Keyboards” options.

Step 3: Go back and click the “Select SwiftKey” option.

Step 4: Click and change your keyboard to “Microsoft SwiftKey Keyboard.”

Step 5: Click on the “Finish up” option to complete the SwiftKey keyboard setting.

Step 6: Select your language. This keyboard supports 700+ languages.

Step 7: Go to the “Theme” option and choose any theme from the gallery. Also, you can customize your theme.

Step 8: Check the “Typing” option and select/deselect typing features. Select “Quick Prediction Insert” if you want Microsoft SwiftKey Keyboard to predict and show your next word.

Step 9: Change and customize your keyboard settings and start typing.

Similar Keyboard for PC:

Technical Information

  • App Name: Microsoft SwiftKey Keyboard
  • Latest Version:
  • Last Update: Aug 21, 2023
  • Number of Downloads: 1B+
  • Rating: 4.4/5
  • Reviews: 3.97M
  • Contains Ads: No
  • In-app Purchase: No
  • Developer Credit: SwiftKey


Hundreds of Free Themes and Customization Options

Microsoft SwiftKey Keyboard for PC comes with hundreds of free themes in the gallery. You can download and set up any theme you want. Also, you can upload, customize, or design your theme.

Grammar Free and Fast Typing

Isn’t it frustrating to type while you can’t remember the proper spelling and try again? Well, Microsoft SwiftKey Keyboard solves your problem easily. It comes with autocorrect suggestions to correct not only grammatical errors but also missed spaces, letters, and more.

Emojis, Stickers, and Gifs

Like Gboard, Microsoft SwiftKey Keyboard has a toolbar with GIFs, emojis, stickers, clipboards, and more to redesign and decorate your typing.

Slide to Type

Microsoft SwiftKey Keyboard has added a type with a swipe feature. If you are tired of tapping and don’t want to type individual letters, you can easily slide from letter to letter using SwiftKey Flow.

AI-Powered Prediction Tool

The AI-powered prediction feature will save you tons of time while typing. Microsoft SwiftKey will learn from your previous writing and style and suggest the next word. So, you can enter a full word with one tap instead of typing it.

Sync Text Between Windows Device and Phone using Cloud Clipboard

After downloading ad sign in Microsoft SwiftKey Keyboard for Windows 10 PC, you can copy and paste messages between your Android phone and Windows PC. The cloud clipboard will sync your text between devices.

Capture and Save Task

Want to save text and tasks from the keyboard? Microsoft SwiftKey Keyboard allows you to capture and save tasks from the keyboard. Also, you can manage these tasks from Microsoft To Do.

Seamlessly Write up to Five Languages from 700+ Supported Languages

The default and traditional keyboards allow only 1-2 languages but not simultaneously. Microsoft SwiftKey Keyboard supports 700+ languages. Also, the best thing is that you can seamlessly type up to 5 languages.


Microsoft SwiftKey Keyboard is a free next-generation keyboard for Android devices. There is no in-app purchase and no ads. This is the cool feature of a big brand app; you don’t have to pay or see annoying ads.

Main Supported Languages

  • English (US, UK, AU, CA)
  • Spanish (ES, LA, US)
  • Portuguese (PT, BR)
  • German
  • Turkish
  • French
  • Arabic
  • Russian
  • Italian
  • Polish

Microsoft SwiftKey FAQs

1. Is SwiftKey available for PC?

Though Microsoft SwiftKey has not released Windows version yet but you can download it using an Android emulator like BlueStacks, NoxPlayer, MEmu Play. Check the above step-by-step process to download and install SwiftKey for Windows PC.

2. Is SwiftKey available for Windows 11?

Yes, you can download Microsoft SwiftKey for Windows 11 through the Android emulator like BlueStacks, MEmu Play or NoxPlayer. Check the above post for details.

3. How do I use SwiftKey keyboard on Windows 10?

You can use Microsoft SwiftKey keyboard on Windows 10 using BlueStacks, NoxPlayer, or MEmu Play emulators. This article has shared all step-by-step process.

4. How do I install Microsoft SwiftKey Keyboard?

If you want to install Microsoft SwiftKey keyboard on your Android device, follow the steps below.

  • Open Google Play Store app from your Android smartphone.
  • Type “Microsoft SwiftKey” in the search box and hit the search icon.
  • Open “Microsoft SwiftKey Keyboard” app and tap on the “Install” button.
  • SwiftKey keyboard will be installed on your device.

If you want to install Microsoft SwiftKey keyboard on your Windows 11/10 PC, follow the steps below.

  • Download and install BlueStacks, NoxPlayer, or MEmu Play emulator.
  • Open the emulator you have installed.
  • Click to the “Play Store” app and login using your Gmail ID and password.
  • Search “Microsoft SwiftKey” and click to “Install” button.
  • Wait for a while to complete the installation process.

5. Is A Microsoft SwiftKey free?

Yes, Microsoft SwiftKey is 100% free virtual keyboard.

6. Is Microsoft SwiftKey gone?

No, Microsoft SwiftKey is still available on the Play Store and App Store.

7. How safe is SwiftKey Keyboard?

Yes, Microsoft SwiftKey is safe and secure. According to the Play Store data safety, Microsoft SwiftKey collects personal info, app activity, app info, and performance but it doesn’t share any data with the third parties. Also, your data is encrypted while transmitting.

8. How do I activate Microsoft SwiftKey Keyboard?

  • Go to “Settings” option on your device.
  • Click to the ‘Language & input” feature. Check out this feature under “Additional Settings” if you don’t find it in the general settings option.
  • Click to “Current Keyboard” option under the “Input Methods.”
  • Select “Microsoft SwiftKey” from all keyboards you have installed and click to the ‘Choose keyboard.”

9. Does SwiftKey keyboard have emoji?

Yes, SwiftKey keyboard has emoji. You can choose hundreds of emojis matching to your conversations.


Microsoft SwiftKey Keyboard is an excellent choice if you prefer a modern and decorated keyboard with emojis, stickers, and GIFs. The AI prediction tool makes this keyboard even better. If you want to download Microsoft SwiftKey Keyboard for PC, use any Android emulator. I recommend using BlueStakcs.

However, if BlueStacks doesn’t work, you can download NoxPlayer or MEmu Play. Each emulator has minimum requirements. Make sure your PC has the required configurations. For the demo, I used BlueStacks. Also, I have added all details step-by-step for beginners to download Microsoft SwiftKey Keyboard for Windows 10/11. If I missed anything, let me know in the comment section.

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